Fairfield Geotechnologies Awarded Z700 Project in the Persian Gulf

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Fairfield Geotechnologies designs, manufactures and also sells ZNodal seismic recording systems to the clients that are in the energy sector. The company likewise offer cable free acquisition systems and seismic nodes; Z700 marine nodal seismic data acquisition systems which are used as an alternative to traditional acquisition systems in open seas or in obstructed areas, noise suppression as well as imaging technology. The seismic nodes of the company are also used to acquire wide azimuth, full-azimuth marine data as well as 4D. It also owns a multi-client seismic database and data processing centers. Fairfield Geotechnologies was formally known as FairfieldNodal Inc but the name has been changed to Fairfield Geotechnol.

TGS also announced its latest multi-client project in the Delaware Basin, Quail Ridge east, which will be conducted in collaboration with Fairfield Geotechnologies. The collaboration likewise includes an Area of Mutual Interest (AMI) so as to enhance joint operation in the area.

The TGS-Fairfield Geotechnologies AMI extends across the north half as well as east side of Lea County and into the west side of Winkler County, Texas, thereby covering an area of 5,179 km square bordering TGS’ West Kermit 3D survey to the south. The Quail Ridge East 3D and the AMI cover areas of exceptional prospectively along the basin flank and on the Central Platform and Northwest Shelf. There is proven production in this region from multiple zones with high-resolution seismic opening renewed structural play potential. The Quail Ridge East 3D survey, together with the future opportunities with Fairfield Geotechnologies under the AMI, builds upon TGS' three existing surveys in the region and is targeted at bridging the gap between Central Basin Platform and Delaware.

seismic project

Fairfield Geotechnologies likewise signed a joint venture agreement with Ikon Science Limited. The JV leverages Ikon Science’s geo-prediction technology which includes innovative workflows for unconventional as well as conventional reservoirs and Fairfield’s seismic acquisition, processing and multi-client data library. The partnership would enable both Ikon and Fairfield to offer their customized client a high quality, customized design for a comprehensive reservoir characterization. The JV with Ikon represents their commitment to providing their clients with best-in class data, services and solutions for the management of reservoir, reduction of risk as well as increased productivity. The main capabilities as well as synergies of both companies are also matched appropriately.

Fairfield Geotechnologies would commence an extensive Z700 acquisition project in the Persian Gulf starting from December 2018. The project which would take eight months in the Middle East is a significant 4D opportunity for Fairfield Geotechnologies. The data acquisition system of Fairfield Geotechnologies is designed so as to meet the challenging HSE and acquisition requirements of this project. Z700’s simplifies deployment as well as retrieval process which is ideally suited to navigate via the dense infrastructure of major gas fields appropriately.

It was reported by Charles Davison, President and CEO, Fairfield Geotechnologies that the Persian Gulf represents a tremendous opportunity for the acquisition of OBN. This project has everything needed, a complex and ecological sensitive sea floor, crowded infrastructure and demanding geophysical objectives. We have the technology, the operational experience as well as the node inventory to make this project a success.




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