Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge

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Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge is the last railway-highway double-used and double-decked

bridge built on the Yangtze river in China at the end of the 20th century. The bridge has

adopted more than ten new technologies and techniques, which has created many firsts

in bridge construction technology. It is the fourth milestone and the landmark project in bridge

construction in 20th century.


The railway bridge connects the Huainan line in the north and the Nanjing-Wuhu, 

Wuhu-Tongling, Anhui-Jiangxi, Xuancheng-Hangzhou line in the south, which is 

the key project of the second passage in east China. The whole railway bridge is 11620.3m

(including line C 1093.3m) long, and the length of highway bridge is 5681.2m.


The main bridge is 2193.7m long, and the structural forms are: 120+2×144) m continuous

steel truss beam; +3×144m continuous steel truss beam; +3×144m continuous steel truss

beam; + (180+312+180) m steel truss beam cable-stayed bridge; +2×120m continuous steel

truss beam, with a total of five links and 14 spans ( max. span of 312 meters).

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